
Christmas Pictures with Santa

Yes, we admit that talking about Santa before, well, before Halloween is bad form.  But we think you might want to hear this.  Plus if we wait until after Thanksgiving it is literally going to be too late!


Because on November 11, we’re going to be having a personal photography session with Santa.  Yes.  That’s right.  In two weeks!  Forget the lines at the Mall.  Forget the crummy Santa who smells like the Chinese place at the food court, we’re talking about a real Santa.  One with a real beard, round belly, and a big red coat.

Yep, we think you’re going to love him.

[flexslider_gallery exclude=”1389″ height=”600″ titles=”false” animation=”fade” slide_direction=”horizontal” randomize=”true”]

And yes, this is the Big Guy himself.

So what do you do?  For starters, there are only 20 spaces total, and 7 of them have already been taken.  (For those of you scoring at home, that’s only 13 spots left!)  We actually expect all of them to fill up.

So here’s the deal for those of you who like things in list form:




[pricebox title=’Santa Session’]
[pricebox_price price=’$125′ ]
[b]15[/b] minutes with the Big Guy
[b]Guaranteed[/b] pictures
[b]5×7 print[/b] of your choice
[b]5-10 images[/b] from your session
Personalized [b]letter from Santa![/b]
[b]Reindeer food[/b] for Christmas Eve
[button href=”mailto:heatherelizabethstudios@gmail.com?Subject=Santa%20Session” style=’gradient’ stroke=’true’]Order now[/button]




We think it’s a steal.  (One that won’t even get you on that Naughty List!)  We really do expect these sessions to fill up, especially for such a great rate.  So even though we sound like an infomercial – you really should contact us by e-mail, before it’s too late.



