
Happy First Birthday, Meera!

Meera and her family came to visit Cincinnati and the surrounding area all the way from Dubai! As a Cake Smash Photographer it is very rare that we get to take first birthday pictures on a baby’s actual birthday, but we had the privilege of photographing this Cake Smash Session on Meera’s actual first birthday!

This alone was magical. Pair that with the beautiful smash cake that was custom made by the lovely ladies over at Tres Belle Cakes and we had a recipe for a dream Cake Smash Session!

We used a record setting 148 balloons on this set. (And congratulations to our lucky winner for guessing the exact number of balloons we used on our facebook video!) 

This little lady wasn’t interested in the cake unless Momma was sitting right next to her. Once she figured out what the cake was, she went all in, and had a great time.

So much cuteness. Check it out!

One year old girl sits on white bedbaby girls tastes a birthday cake for the first timetriptych of baby eating birthday cakeportrait of baby licking cake of hands by cake smash photographer heather Elizabeth studiosbaby with cake all over her face smilesbaby holding a rubber ducky in the bathtriptych of baby in a bath

In a couple of weeks we are going to do a Unicorn Session with a LIVE Unicorn with Meera’s sisters. Stay tuned for that one!

Curious about doing your own custom Cake Smash Session with a Cake Smash Photographer in the Hyde Park and surrounding Cincinnati area?

If you’re curious about how it works, or interested in planning your own custom Cake Smash Session, click the link below and let’s chat about it 🙂

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