
Meet 11 month old Reid. He will be celebrating his big first birthday next month1 Reid is one of those babies you can hang out with all day. His bright blue eyes, those kissable cheeks, and his cuddly personality made me swoon! Kelly, I am so glad you chose me to capture such a fun milestone for your family. I loved meeting you guys and hanging out with your adorable son! Have a super first birthday Reid! <3 Heather ReidCakeSmash 006.jpg ReidCakeSmash 003.jpg ReidCakeSmash 020.jpg ReidCakeSmash 032.jpg ReidCakeSmash 070.jpg ReidCakeSmash 130.jpg ReidCakeSmash 166.jpg ReidCakeSmash 168.jpg ReidCakeSmash 205.jpg ReidCakeSmash 216.jpg ReidCakeSmash 256.jpg ReidCakeSmash 258.jpg ReidCakeSmash 325.jpg ReidCakeSmash 341.jpg ReidCakeSmash 384.jpg ReidCakeSmash 430.jpg