hyde park baby photography

Hyde Park Baby Photography and Fall Fun with Emmerson.

Photo sessions like this should be mandatory for 18-month kids! All they do is play, and I follow them around capturing time between baby and toddler with my camera. It is magical.

At this age, it’s all you can do to keep up with them!

Emmerson was living his best life! Blonde curls bouncing, blue eyes snapping, we took a wander around and let him explore.  

 I think that these types of sessions are important because, at an early age, children learn that getting their professional photos done can be FUN!

 It’s not all about stiff poses, uncomfortable clothes, and “saying cheese.” I like to let kids be kids!

No matter if we are in the studio or outside, I want to capture your children as they truly are.

Truth be told, this is one of my favorite ages because you can literally see them processing the world and everything around them.

What could be better than playing in the sunshine on a fall day, wiggling your fingers and toes in a puddle, and discovering all the things that nature gives us?

Don’t you love that look of pure joy as he reaches, muddy and happy, towards the sky?

Spending time with Emmerson was a reminder that there’s a big, bright world out there for us to be thankful for.

His orange sweatshirt was perfect and looked amazing in the autumn light that is upon us now. A cozy blanket, some fall mums, and that’s all you need to have an adorable fall-themed session.

And of course, he loved the wheelbarrow because anything with wheels is fascinating to children. We forget so quickly how interesting the world is, but children are a daily reminder of that.

Thanks for the fun day, Emmerson!

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